Mind Sports

Mindsports is founded by sports psychologist and an International swimmer Mugdha Bavare.
The objective of Mindsports is to prepare athletes to face and enjoy the challenges of competitive sports by developing a strong and confident mental framework.
Mindsports helps athletes in performance enhancement. It strongly believes that excellence in performance is the product of a well-trained mind and body. Globally, all athletes focus to a great extent in physical training, however, mental training is an equally important part of achieving great performance when it actually matters. Therefore, Sports Psychologist at Mindsports work towards balancing both of these to extract best out of the athlete and help reach their potential.
Mindsports provides Mental Toughness Training services to all its athletes of different levels and age groups across all sports. A complete mental training program is designed for each athlete depending on the demands of each sport as well as keeping in mind the personality of the athlete. It has a complete well designed program to deal with individual athletes, teams, parents and coaches.

Benefits of working with a Sport psychologist:

  • Building and sustaining ideal level of motivation
  • Helping to achieve optimum level of self-Confidence
  • Enhancing Focus and concentration while dealing with distractions
  • Inculcating positivity and reducing negative self-talk
  • Managing competitive stress and anxiety
  • Building commitment towards one’s sport and setting goals
  • Improving Team building and communication
  • Replacing fear of failure with desire to succeed
  • Managing and channelizing anger and negative emotions
  • Dealing with competitive pressure
  • Working on positive sport parenting

Our Team


Varadayini Gorhe


Varadayini is a sport and exercise psychologist and has a masters from Loughborough University (2012) UK.
Her prime objective is to develop and optimise the potential of athletes and professionals working high-pressure environments. Varadayini designs programmes to help professionals perform to their capability by putting their "Mind First". Varadayini has worked with a lot of players individually in India. Recently, she was the psychologist of the Indian Rowing Team in 2018 Asian Games. Besides sports, she also works with corporates as well as students to help develop pressure coping strategies. Varadayini is a professional member with Association of Applied Sport Psychology (AASP)


Shruti Nair

Consulting Psychologist

​Shruti Nair has completed her Masters in Counselling psychology from SNDT in 2019 and has graduated from St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai. She is a state level Basketball and Throwball player and has been actively involved in sports since the past 12 years. She aims to combine her interests of sport and psychology to create awareness in recognising the of a sport. With an emphasis on mental well-being of athletes, her goal is to enhance the sporting experience of others !
Shruti is also an avid reader with a particular interest in History and Mythology.


Dwija Asher

Consulting Psychologist

Dwija has studied MA in Industrial psychology from University of Mumbai. She is an International Gymnastics Player.
Dwija has also been awarded the prestigious Shiv Chattrapati Award in the game of gymnastics. She aims to guide younger generation to overcome Mental obstacles and have a growing mindset towards life.
Her journey as an athlete so far has helped her guide her clients and she aims to continue to do so by also guiding coaches and parents.


Triveni Kulkarni

Consulting Psychologist

The newest and youngest addition to our team, Triveni Kulkarni who has completed her graduation from Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Delhi in Psychology Hons. in 2020. She has 10+ years of experience as an athlete. She has represented her state, Delhi, in various national level competitions in events such as, long jump, 100mts and relay. She developed her interest in sports psychology when she was part of a psychological study in school as a subject, and cojoined her interest in sports and psychology and knew that she wanted to be a sports psychologist when she grows up. Her goal has always been to inspire younger athletes by being their mentor and help them cope with any obstacles they face.