Mugdha Dhamankar - Bavare
Founder & Director.
Counseling & Sport Psychologist
A Counseling Psychologist from the University of Mumbai, Mugdha is a founder member of Disha Counseling Center, a mental health center based in Mumbai.
A swimmer par excellence, Mugdha has won many medals at various level across different age groups. She has won the prestigious Chhatrapati Award, the highest state-level award for excellence in sports, in the year 1994-95.
Since the beginning of her career, Mugdha has had a keen interest in Sport Psychology. Having ‘been there, done that’ as a swimmer all through her growing years, she understands first hand the aspirations, ambitions, goals and desires of sportspeople. Not only this, she knows too well about the fears, the trepidation, the anxiety, and the insecurities that surround the most accomplished of sportspeople. Working toward that elusive ‘peak performance’ is a work in progress, and as a sportswoman herself, Mugdha knows very well how the mind as well as the body of a sportsperson works. Add to this her training in psychology, her expertise in the workings of the mind, and her vast experience over the last 19 years, makes her a Sport Psychologist like none other. Over the years, Mugdha has carved a niche for herself in the budding field of Sport Psychology in India.
Professional Member